Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown preview — A precise, difficult Metroidvania with a ton of great potential

A lot of people grew up on the Prince of Persia series, but I was not one of them. I was vaguely aware of the franchise in my childhood, but I never actually played any of the games myself. So, color me surprised when I found myself paying attention to the reveal trailer for Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. I saw a myriad of fans decrying the reveal for the stylized visuals and the lack of a proper third dimension, but what I saw was the potential for a brand-new, beautiful, massively satisfying Metroidvania platformer.

A little while ago, Ubisoft granted me the opportunity to go hands-on with Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown for more than three hours, played remotely from a Ubisoft-bound PC. I’m coming away from the preview genuinely excited for the full product and even a little interested in the Prince of Persia games that came before this one. Read on for my full thoughts on this upcoming title and why Ubisoft may have the next great Metroidvania on its hands.

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